lubuntu ISO Alpha 0 – testing purpose only

I just created an ISO of lubuntu Lucid for testing purpose. But before starting to download it, please read the following "release notes" : * Using lxdm instead of gdm This ISO uses a not-yet-in-the-official-repository version of lxdm, thedisplay manager of LXDE instead of gdm. I would like to test the stateof it and if it's possible to include it in Lubuntu.* Using network-manager instead of wicd This is a temporarily solution, my first tests reported that wicd doesn't work on Live-CD. * Doesn't have utilities (manage users, network etc ...) It's a bug in gnome-system-tools (see bug 497441 [1]) which bring all GNOME packages as depends. It was temporarily removed from the seed. * Doesn't have an installation icon See previous point, it's the same problem. * Can't use…
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lubuntu – new programs by default

I just added 6 new programs to the seed to cover some missing features. They will be installed by default in the next upload of the seed :- xfce4-taskmanager : for monitoring tasks, the origin of lxtask - parcellite : for a clipboard manager (not start on login for now) - hardinfo : for information on the system - osmo : for managing event, calendar ... - language-selector : for installing language packs - software-properties-gtk : for managing sources in synatic The splash is still missing, but as plymouth was just uploaded, I prefer to wait more before adding it to the seed.If you think the seed need other programs to be added (not replaced !), please speak now :)For discussion on existing applications, please begin a new thread or…
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lubuntu – get involved

Julien Lavergne posted ways to get involved into lubuntu on the mailing list of the project and I am reposting his suggestions here. This is a quick summarize for people wanted to help on Lubuntu. In general, all tasks will be documented on the Subteams pages: Packages and Code: Artwork : Doc : Translations : Testing : == Participate to the LXDE project == This is the most efficient way to contribute to Lubuntu. If you want a functionality, translate a package etc … you should directly work with LXDE. LXDE site: http://lxde.orgLXDE mailing list: SVN repository: == Create an artwork for Lubuntu == We don’t have an original artwork, and it’s an important goal for Lucid. Some works began on the LXDE…
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Default applications on Lubuntu 10.04 – Summarize of the UDS Session

a quick summarize of the session we had in UDS about the workflow for choosing default applications, and with a current proposal. Blueprint : Complete spec : Current consensus was to stay with the list of applications we have for Karmic (but please read until the end of this mail :)) The general proposal for the roadmap is the following : - Determine areas not currently covered in Karmic seed that still need to be addressed - Discuss applications that could be replaced - Organize a IRC meeting to stop the applications list For problematic applications, we'll need discussions preferably with advantages/disadvantages, benchmarks (memory and CPU usage , dependencies, installed space ...). The goal is not to replace all the seed, but focus on some keys applications that…
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