The development of 12.04

With the launch of 11.10, the developbers have a very brief breathing space as ideas not implemented in 11.10 are carried over. One such 'carry over' was the Lubuntu Software Center. To kick start the 12.04 cycle there was the Ubuntu Developers Summit with Lubuntu there as a fully fledged member of the familiy :) 
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lubuntu – new programs by default

I just added 6 new programs to the seed to cover some missing features. They will be installed by default in the next upload of the seed :- xfce4-taskmanager : for monitoring tasks, the origin of lxtask - parcellite : for a clipboard manager (not start on login for now) - hardinfo : for information on the system - osmo : for managing event, calendar ... - language-selector : for installing language packs - software-properties-gtk : for managing sources in synatic The splash is still missing, but as plymouth was just uploaded, I prefer to wait more before adding it to the seed.If you think the seed need other programs to be added (not replaced !), please speak now :)For discussion on existing applications, please begin a new thread or…
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