LXFind and LXScreenshot

> Ok, i have a question, will LxFind and LxScreenshot will included in> Lubuntu Precise? or the feature freeze is already gone?Feature Freeze is not passed, but the application should be ready before, ideally on February 1st, to have some time to package / test / evaluate. IMO, LxFind is not ready, and will not be in time. ForLxscreenshot, it should be tested, be sure translation support is fine, and compare it with scrot, to be sure we have at least all those features. From the horses mouth (Our head of Development).
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The development of 12.04

With the launch of 11.10, the developbers have a very brief breathing space as ideas not implemented in 11.10 are carried over. One such 'carry over' was the Lubuntu Software Center. To kick start the 12.04 cycle there was the Ubuntu Developers Summit with Lubuntu there as a fully fledged member of the familiy :) 
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Julien Lavergne at FOSSASIA 2011 in Vietnam

Julien Lavergne, lead developer of lubuntu, gave a presentation about the lubuntu project and ways to involve at the FOSSASIA conference in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam. Here are the slides.Lubuntu at FOSSASIA 2011View more presentations from mariobehling.
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Lubuntu 11.10 testing

New Build System: The transition from our internal lubuntu build to Canonical build has taken a little while. Whilst our Lubuntu head of dev (Julien) has managed to squeeze 26 hours into 24 hour days, also the people who look after the automated build system have been really 'up for' ensuring that they have lubuntu building automatically. We had a dip of 5 days, but are doing well. For them to be able to get not just a basic alternate install, but the full suite of all architectures is a testament to them. At present, we have daily LiveCD builds and alternate. There are still some things to iron out. Keep an eye onhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing as to where we are up to. Regards, Phill.
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