Lubuntu Lucid Alpha 2 “Preview 2”

Julian Lavergne has released the second Alpha of Lubuntu. It is now available for testing. Don't forget that it's build with Ubuntu Lucid (10.04) which is still in Alpha state of development, so same warnings : "Pre-releases of Lucid are *not* encouraged for anyone needing a stable system or anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even frequent breakage. They are, however, recommended for Ubuntu developers and those who want to help in testing, reporting, and fixing bugs."There is not so much changes between Alpha 1 and Alpha 2, don't expect big surprises. The next release (Alpha 3), which will be released after the Feature Freeze, will be more interesting :) As with all things, it is better to test before you buy! At least get feedback from reliable sources…
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Lubuntu state before Alpha 2 release

Hi, This is quick summary of the state of Lubuntu, 3 mouths before the target release date.=== Alpha 2 ===- May be released at the end of this week.=== New packages ===- lxdm was committed, waiting for archive approval. It's mostly working, but need some improvements. Currently, there is no plymouth support and Default language not working well. - libfm and pcmanfm2 are available for testing on the Lubuntu PPA [1].=== Default applications ===- Current discussion on the video player, music player and email client - Future discussion on the browser. It will begin when chromium will enter the archive, or sooner if nothing arrive before 1st February. - Some changes may happen in the futur, if the manpower is still the same (see below). We need to share the…
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Lubuntu Lucid Alpha 1 “Preview”

Hi, I just generated the first real ISO for Lubuntu Lucid, available for testing. Don't forget that it's build with Ubuntu Lucid (10.04) which is still in Alpha state of development, so same warnings : "Pre-releases of Lucid are *not* encouraged for anyone needing a stable system or anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even frequent breakage. They are, however, recommended for Ubuntu developers and those who want to help in testing, reporting, and fixing bugs."Features : - LXDE packages up-to-date [1] - LXDM - The new pcmanfm for testing (type "pcmanfm2" in a terminal) - Many wallpapers and start icons from lxde forum, gnome-look or Leszek Lesner, to be able to switch easily and to test the result - First customization with a splash screen from Leszek…
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lubuntu Lucid release cycle

I plan to stay in sync with the Ubuntu release cycle as much as possible (see So, next release should be near the January 14th.
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