Blueprint for lubuntu 12.10

Julien Lavergne started a blueprint for lubuntu 12.10. It's a summary of tasks we are planning for 12.10. It should be the base of the discussions we will have at UDS and afterwards. The blueprint is here: "You can use the white-board for comments. But, if you want to start a discussion for an application by default, you need some good reasons / objective arguments. You can also start a new thread on the mailing, if you want a separate discussion, but be sure to add a link to the blueprint so we keep it in mind during the discussion. The plan is to add all the topics to discussion for UDS. I would like to end the discussions about the applications by default after UDS, so we can focus on integration and…
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New Artwork for lubuntu 12.04

For everyone who does not receive information via the lubuntu mailing list..Hello, boys and girls.I'm proud to tell you all the Ozone theme for Lubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin is almost ready. But, of course, there're lots of bugs waiting for being fixed. I'll appreciate your feedback and comments if you find someting wrong or buggy.You can download it at the usual place: remember, it's in development stage. Don't expect it work 100% fine.From Rafael.As soon as there is an easy way to grab it, I'll update.
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12.04 Life of a bug

On Wednesday 18th Jan 2012 I was having problems with my updated test image of 12.04. It installed well and the bug that was affecting the selection of the language appeared to have been squashed (That bug lived a short life, it's history can be found at ) But, more worryingly, when I started the new install my Virtual Machine went 'crazy'... Screen kept resizing and eventually it just fizzled out and hung. As there was the weekly QA (Quality Assurance / Testing) meeting scheduled for 5pm (UTC) [1] I asked about it on there when we got to the agenda item for Lubuntu. Fairly quickly one of the other QA team had verified the problem and more importantly had gotten a error message. Things move on quite quickly when we…
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LXFind and LXScreenshot

> Ok, i have a question, will LxFind and LxScreenshot will included in> Lubuntu Precise? or the feature freeze is already gone?Feature Freeze is not passed, but the application should be ready before, ideally on February 1st, to have some time to package / test / evaluate. IMO, LxFind is not ready, and will not be in time. ForLxscreenshot, it should be tested, be sure translation support is fine, and compare it with scrot, to be sure we have at least all those features. From the horses mouth (Our head of Development).
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