Lubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx released

Julien Lavergne released the final "stable beta" version of lubuntu 10.04. Torrent: Direct download: MD5Sum: What is Lubuntu Lubuntu is a Ubuntu variant using the LXDE desktop. It's designed to be a lightweight and easy-to-use desktop environment. Lubuntu is currently not part of the Ubuntu family, and not build with the current Ubuntu infrastructure. This release is considered as a « stable beta », a result that could be a final and stable release if it was included in the Ubuntu family. Please note also that Lubuntu 10.04 is not a LTS version. For the future we aim to include all packages of lubuntu in the Ubuntu repository. Features - Based on the lightweight LXDE desktop environment. - Pcmanfm 0.9.5, the rewrite of pcmanfm using gio/gvfs. -…
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lubuntu lucid final test release

Julien Lavergne generated a final iso lubuntu testing release before announcing the public release.The download is available here: release fixed a problem with installed languages, and includes some bug fixes for pcmanfm/libfm. Please test it and report any blocker you are encountering that would stop this release to become the lubuntu 10.04 release. This iso should be the last one if no other problems are found.
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