lubuntu 17.04 Zesty Zapus released
Lubuntu 17.04 has been released! What is Lubuntu? Lubuntu is a light Linux distribution using the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE). The goal is to provide a lightweight, fast and energy-saving operating system. Lubuntu specifically targets older machines with lower resources, but also runs great on newer hardware. Along with a simple but usuable graphical user interface, Lubuntu comes with a wide variety of applications chosen for their small footprint so you can browse, email, chat, play, and be productive. Where can I download it? On the Ubuntu cdimage server, we have images for the following architectures: amd64 (commonly referred to as 64-bit) i386 (commonly referred to as 32-bit) The release notes are here if you wish to read them. We have left out some notes that are common to all flavors, so…