lubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwahl released

Julien Lavergne and the team have released Lubuntu 11.04. It is now available:

Direct download:

What is Lubuntu

Lubuntu is an Ubuntu derivate using the LXDE desktop. It’s designed to be a lightweight and easy-to-use desktop environment. Lubuntu is actually not part of the Ubuntu family, and not build with the current Ubuntu infrastructure. This release is considered as a «stable beta », a result that could be a final and stable release if we was included in the Ubuntu family.


  • Based on the lightweight LXDE desktop environment.
  • Pcmanfm 0.9.8, a fast and lightweight files manager using gio/gvfs.
  • Lxdm, a lightweight GTK display manager.
  • Chromium, the open-source version of Google Chrome.
  • … and, of course, based on Ubuntu 11.04

See the complete list of current lubuntu applications on

Improvements since Lubuntu 10.10

  • New automatic way to build the ISO (thanks Jonathan Marsden)
  • Modifications to the applications by default :
  • Switch from aqualung to audacious for the music player.
  • Switch from xarchiver to file-roller for the archives.
  • Switch from cheese to guvcview for using webcams.
  • New added libraries and  applications by default:
    • Gucharmap
    • Lxkeymap
    • Various documentations
    • Lubuntu is now HAL free (thanks Xubuntu dev)
    • New theme made by Raphael Laguna
    • Lxrandr (Monitor settings) is able to save the configuration. Check the .desktop in ~.config/autostart/lxrandr-autostart.desktop
    • Lxappareance is able to configure the font (antialiasing) and openbox directly.
    • You are now able to call directly obconf to configure the number of workspaces, on workspace applet.
    • Installer (ubiquity) support installation of Lubuntu and autologin configuration at install time includes in Ubuntu official repository.
    • Icons on the desktop are now movable.
    • Fake transparency is available again.
    • Lubuntu use now Ubuntu font by default.
    • New Lubuntu text plymouth theme.
    • Menus are now correctly translated.
    • Menus have now an Administration and a Preference sub-menus.
    • You can now change the layout on a Lubuntu session with lxkeymap (directly, or launched by lxinput).
    • Updated installer, with new layout and screenshots.
    • Fix a critical crash on qemu / kvm (thanks Fedora)
    • Translations up-to-date with LXDE git.
    • Up-to-date LXDE and pcmanfm.

Releases notes and known issues

The release notes, with a list of known problems are available on


Julien Lavergne: “I would like to thanks all people involved in the development of Lubuntu during this past 6 months: LXDE developers, people helping on IRC, testing and reporting bugs, making documentation and artwork … It was a pleasure to work with you.”


54 thoughts on “lubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwahl released

  • Anonymous

    I have tried the live CD and it will not boot. there is a probleme with xorg. Where do i report a bug

  • kozak127

    I think, lubuntu 11.04 is a nice piece of software. I tested many Linux distros, but lubuntu is my favourite – light, fast and no additional configuration to do – it just works. I haven’t seen any bugs yet, but I am still searching for one or two.

    Only one thing is very annoying: lack of menu editor. I must manually edit .desktop files if I want to remove something from menu. Irritating, but not so annoying to change distro. I still don’t know if alacarte will work with LXDE menu properly (in 10.10 it was painful), but maybe I will give it a try.

    Really good piece of software. Great job.

  • Srell Al-Masri

    Great Distro!
    I got only one problem: I use Midori as browser. When I try to remove chromium, Synaptic obliges me to install firefox (I tried to deselect the firefox’s package but it’s futile). It’s the same when I use “apt-get remove”.
    How can I have only one browser?
    Thank you!

  • Srell Al-Masri

    Great distro!
    I’ve only a problem: I use midori to surf on the web, when I tried to uninstall chromium, synaptic obliged me to install firefox, and I cannot deselect the package. I’m forced to install one of these two browsers?
    How can I solve this situation?

  • ChiJoan

    Synaptic warns that this will remove LXDE…I prefer being able to pick and choose my installed games. Any chance this will change?

    Put this on a computer that doesn’t shut down automatically, so I was afraid I had a crashed hard drive from this, but so far it starts up…How about the old message that it is safe to turn off your computer for old computers like this?

    Joan in Reno

  • Anonymous

    install from lubuntu-11.04.iso = ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso cli.seed + apt-get install lubuntu-desktop???

  • I’m downloading Lubuntu 11.04 right now, but I don’t if I’ll install it or not. The above comments about all the programs (games, Firefox, etc.) that are automatically installed seem to go against the philosophy of a lean install. I don’t play games at all on my desktop, and I don’t appreciate having them take up drive space.

    Why not let the users decide what to add?

    I, too, would like to see an amd64 version. The lack of such, plus its use of Ubuntu Lucid (!), turned me off from Bohdi Linux.

  • I’m downloading Lubuntu 11.04 right now, but I don’t if I’ll install it or not. The above comments about all the programs (games, Firefox, etc.) that are automatically installed seem to go against the philosophy of a lean install. I don’t play games at all on my desktop, and I don’t appreciate having them take up drive space.

    Why not let the users decide what to add?

    I, too, would like to see an amd64 version. The lack of such, plus its use of Ubuntu Lucid (!), turned me off from Bohdi Linux.

  • Anonymous

    I agree, Lubuntu is supposed to be small, light, lean, and fast. But little by little its growing into just another distro and becoming fatter and fatter.

    Lubuntu please stick to your guns and keep this distro light and lean. If people want all the extra crap they ‘we’ can install it ourselves via apt-get install….

    All the games etc. needs to go….

  • Anonymous

    Why not make Lubuntu ultra light and include only the LXDM desktop, Network ability, Alsa, and a web browser…of course other necessities that are needed for the OS to run.

    Then let people use the Synaptic Package Manager or the apt-get install command to add features with their dependencies.

    People who use Lubuntu dont want all the extras, they want only the program or two they use on a daily basis.

    Just my dumb idea….

    Other than that keep up the good work.

  • Anonymous

    I agree, we need linux kernel, lxde, bwowser, alsa, graphic cards drivers, network card driver and synaptic, it can be lubuntu minimal or core, it would be perfect 🙂

  • zzz

    I agree, we need linux kernel, lxde, bwowser, alsa, graphic cards drivers, network card driver and synaptic, it can be lubuntu minimal or core, it would be perfect 🙂

  • Anonymous

    Why not just start a Poll and let the Lubuntu community decide what they want in Lubuntu…

    I used to work in software development and I can tell you as both a user and a small-bit developer, the last thing users want is for someone to tell them “this is what you need”. I am sure the Lubuntu community would agree that a stripped down Lubuntu-core is what they want….

    Bodhi-Linux has set a great Benchmark for this.

  • Gabriel

    Recién baje esta nueva versión para revivir una laptop ibm Pentium III @ 1.2Ghz 512 RAM HDD 20( 4 GB PARTED) y cual es mi sorpresa que no me deja instalar, solo porque no tengo 5.3 Gb libres, esto me decepciono busque alguna solución pero no encontré nada, no me queda mas remedio que borrar el disco y buscar una distribucion linux que realmente sea personalizable no esta basura de instalador que no da opción para en particiones pequeñas.

  • Gabriel

    Recién baje esta nueva versión para revivir una laptop ibm Pentium III @ 1.2Ghz 512 RAM HDD 20( 4 GB PARTED) y cual es mi sorpresa que no me deja instalar, solo porque no tengo 5.3 Gb libres, esto me decepciono busque alguna solución pero no encontré nada, no me queda mas remedio que borrar el disco y buscar una distribucion linux que realmente sea personalizable no esta basura de instalador que no da opción para en particiones pequeñas.

  • Gabriel

    Recién baje esta nueva versión para revivir una laptop ibm Pentium III @ 1.2Ghz 512 RAM HDD 20( 4 GB PARTED) y cual es mi sorpresa que no me deja instalar, solo porque no tengo 5.3 Gb libres, esto me decepciono busque alguna solución pero no encontré nada, no me queda mas remedio que borrar el disco y buscar una distribucion linux que realmente sea personalizable no esta basura de instalador que no da opción para en particiones pequeñas.

  • Anonymous

    I like lubuntu very much. But I need amd64 version

    >whether you plan to do the assembly for amd64 architecture? thanks

  • Anonymous

    Just got around to downloading the x64 version and all I can say is bravo! Not only is it less resource hungry than the standard Ubuntu, but the default theme is quite elegant in it’s simplicity. First default theme that I haven’t immediately wanted to trash and overhaul in some time. Thank you!

  • admittedly lubuntu is nothing but a tweaked version of ubuntu. since there are ppc ports (and amd64 for that matter), one can easily build up ubuntu to be exactly what you want by installing/uninstalling whatever you want. however, the whole point of distros is to take care of all the trouble so you don’t have to worry about it (thus the reason why this “extra” stuff mentioned above is installed).

    that being said, i’ll still ask for a ppc version. i’d say there are many ppc machines that could really do well with a “light and fast” distro and lubuntu would be fab for it.

  • German Lubuntu Tester


    It is sad that I need at least 5.3 GB free disk space. I have an EeePC 4G that runs Kubuntu nearly perfectly. Installation was super easy and now I cannot change to Lubuntu!

  • Anonymous

    Hello, I think lubuntu 10.10 is better than the last version 11.04.
    The previous version was faster and it is the most important feature in these lite distros.
    Besides, my point is we need a fast distro without applications and it is very easy to install those applications that one person needs.
    Please, where can I find the previos version (10.10) ?

  • Anonymous

    Lubuntu live DVD fails to function correctly.

    Lubuntu seems to be command line only. Boot options are no help.
    Hardware: HP 620 laptop with 3GB RAM.

  • Brian

    Have loaded Lubuntu, during the install i get full screen when it reboots it goes to small screen in top left corner,
    as this is a great program i would like to know how to get full screen

    hoping you can help


  • Anonymous

    Running into similar problems with Lubuntu 11.04. It boots to the CLI rather than the graphical desktop.

  • turnkit

    Educational media lab for after school kids program — would also much appreciate Lubuntu for PPC. We are running a dozen G4 Quicksilver 2002’s with stock Nvidia GEFORCE 2 MX400 video cards. Can do testing but would appreciate these ports come from “official” channels.

    Would hope there is enough demand to make this seem worthwhile to the developers.

  • Anonymous

    I just installed a PPC lubuntu setup onto an imac i had becasue osx wouldn’t suport tethering over USB with my android phone. (before you sugest it, there’s no wifi in the imac)

    it’s quite easy to do a 11.10 lubuntu install on PPC.
    first, get a PPC ubuntiu minimal install iso and burn to cd. get it here –>
    at the first prompt you get upon booting- specify ‘cli’ or ‘cli-expert’ instead of ‘install’
    this will install a bare bones comand-line only stripped down *buntu.
    then, log in once installation is complete. enter this command ‘sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop’
    this will download another 760 or so packages. reboot, and you’ll have Lubuntu on your PPC mac.

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