Julien Lavergne and the team have released lubuntu 10.10. It is now available here:
- Torrent: http://people.ubuntu.com/~gilir/lubuntu-10.10.iso.torrent
- Direct download: http://people.ubuntu.com/~gilir/lubuntu-10.10.iso
- Md5: http://people.ubuntu.com/~gilir/md5sum.txt
What is Lubuntu
Lubuntu is an Ubuntu derivated using the LXDE desktop. It’s designed to be a lightweight and easy-to-use desktop environment. Lubuntu is actually not part of the Ubuntu family, and not build with the current Ubuntu infrastructure. This release is considered as a « stable beta », a result that could be a final and stable release if we was included in the Ubuntu family.
- Based on the lightweight LXDE desktop environment.
- Pcmanfm 0.9.7, a fast and lightweight files manager using gio/gvfs.
- Lxdm, a lightweight GTK display manager.
- Chromium, the open-source version of Google Chrome.
- … and, of course, based on Ubuntu 10.10
See the complete list of current lubuntu applications on https://docs.lubuntu.net/lubuntu_applications.html
Improvements since Lubuntu 10.04
Applications by default
Programs installed by default have been updated
- Added:
- Update-notifier, to get notification for available updates.
- Xpad, to create quick notes (similar to Tomboy).
- Ace-of-penguins, to provide some games
- Removed
- Parcellite, which is not maintained upstream, is less useful since most of copy/paste bugs was gone with pcmanfm 0.9.X
- Pyneighborhood was replaced by gvfs support of pcmanfm.
- Changes
- LXtask replace Xfce4-taskmanager for tasks monitoring.
- Evince is now used for reading PDF, ePDFview have some serious memory leaks.
- New theme
A new and fresh theme, made by Rafael Laguna, is available.
Installer slideshow
- New slideshow is available during the installation, to describe Lubuntu and its features.
Indicators supports
- Lxpanel now support Ubuntu indicators applets. This feature is turn off by default, but you can activate it by adding the “Indicators applet”.
New extras packages
- A new meta-package (lubuntu-core) is available to install only core packages of Lubuntu.
- A new meta-package (lubuntu-restricted-extras) is available to install restricted packages for Lubuntu (such as flash, java and extra codecs for chromium)
LXDE updates
- LXDE is now HAL-free. Lubuntu still depends on HAL for CD-burner, but by removing it, you can obtain a HAL-free system.
- New lxappareance from LXDE git (without Openbox integration)
- And the usual updates of LXDE and Ubuntu packages included in Lubuntu.== Releases notes and known issues ==
The release notes, with a list of known problems are available on
The release notes are available on https://docs.lubuntu.net/releases/lubuntu1010_release_notes.html
Specific Lubuntu changes
- Lubuntu still contains modifications not available in the official repository, you can see them in the Lubuntu PPA [1] :
- Autologin support in ubiquity (LP: #546445)
- Support Install only mode in ubiquity
- Support for lubuntu-restricted package in ubiquity
I would like to thanks all people involved in the development of Lubuntu during this past 6 months. Thanks to the LXDE team for providing this fast and nice desktop environment. Thanks to Rafael for his wonderful work on this new artwork. Thanks to Mario for his wonderful work on the website, the wiki and all the advertising. Thanks to all testers which help in the testing process, making Lubuntu better. Thanks to Phillw and Zach, our masters of the wiki and the documentation. Thanks to all people which help to provide support and documentation to new Lubuntu users. It was a pleasure to work with you.
- Website: lubuntu.net
- Documentation: docs.lubuntu.net
- Lubuntu on Facebook: facebook.com/lubuntudesktop
[1] : https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa
1、与xp双系统下,装好lubuntu后,不能显示windows系统菜单,运行sudo update-grub也不可以,其他办法编辑/boot/grub/grub.cfg,增加#title…….后,运行sudo update-grub也不行。
而ubuntu 10.10只运行sudo update-grub则发现windows系统菜单。lubuntu10.04也正常。
而ubuntu 10.10正常。lubuntu10.04原来正常,后来不正常(9月份左右)
请问lubuntu 会不会发布64bit的版本? 我喜欢lubuntu因为他简洁美观,希望能出现64位版本,这与机器性能无关,应该很多人都想要.
1、与xp双系统下,装好lubuntu后,不能显示windows系统菜单,运行sudo update-grub也不可以,其他办法编辑/boot/grub/grub.cfg,增加#title…….后,运行sudo update-grub也不行。而ubuntu 10.10只运行sudo update-grub则发现windows系统菜单。lubuntu10.04也正常。 2、iptux出现错误安装iptux后,打开终端,运行iptux,发送信息和文件,过一会儿iptux窗口中的好友都看不见,终端中会显示相应的错误。而ubuntu 10.10正常。lubuntu10.04原来正常,后来不正常(9月份左右)
A:1:把ubuntu下正常的grub.cfg文件中相关部分拷到lubuntu的grub.cfg中即可。 2:iptux的首选项中不启动声音即可。
cant’t watch flash . but 10.04 can .
when its speed very quikly if you see .
please test and fix ,- – i like lubuntu
Is there a work around for the USB install bug? I am experiencing it when installing Lubuntu on a Medion Akoya E1222 netbook with a Plexor USB external CD/DVD drive. It isn’t only a USB pen drive issue. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/ReleaseNotes/MaverickMeerkat
I was able get the USB to install by making the disk WITHOUT persistence storage.
Thanks for the great distro! I’m a longtime Ubuntu user and really like how light and fast this Lubuntu is. I have spent some time recently using both Lubuntu 10.10, Peppermint One/Ice. I think both distros are great but am finding Lubuntu manages power much better than Peppermint and am leaning towards using it as my main OS.
The one area Peppermint clearly outshines Lubuntu on my computer (Acer AS1410 with a Intel Core Solo SU3500) is with it’s really short boot and shutdown times. With Peppermint I’m seeing boot times of 16-17 seconds and shutdown times of 3-4 seconds. This is really nice because it’s nearly as fast (maybe even faster?) than suspending my system. I like this because there is no drain on the battery while shutdown. My boot and shut down times are a full 10 seconds longer on Lubuntu than with Peppermint. On the other hand Lubuntu draws power at a rate nearly 2 watts less than Peppermint. This makes a huge difference when I’m going to be on my system for longer periods of time.
So I want to use Lubuntu but feel it has to be possible to tweak the boot time. After all, Peppermint is based on Lubuntu. Can anyone explain how I can do this?
Thanks in advance,
Just installed Lubuntu 10.10 (in fact I installed a CLI system from the Ubuntu 10.10 Alternate ISO and then installed the lubuntu-desktop metapackage, as i wanted a 64 bit system). Lubuntu is really great – light-weight, yet comfortable. I’m using it with Xmonad instead of OpenBox. Great work!
Hi Mario and the Lubuntu team:
I just wanted to let you know that we have been testing out Lubuntu 10.10 since October and have been pleasantly surprised at how good it is, considering it is only the second formal release. We are now running it as our full-time production operating system on desktops and netbooks and it works perfectly. Coming from 3.5 years of Ubuntu made it easy to learn Lubuntu and its peculiarities! We have shifted from Ubuntu because it has become slow and sluggish on low-spec hardware in recent releases, it really requires a Vista PC to run well on these days. Lubuntu runs impressively fast on low spec hardware!
We have also been writing extensively about our Lubuntu experiences in our on-line journal, giving away lots of Lubuntu CDs we have made up and participating in discussions about Lubuntu versus other operating systems. Back in May 2009 I also started the Wikipedia article on Lubuntu and remain the principle contributor to the article.
Thank you to the whole Lubuntu team for a great distribution!
I just wanted to add one request as you all work on future versions of Lubuntu – please don’t let it get bloated and slow. In the constant pressure to trade off speed for more features I hope you will keep the focus on lightness and speed over features. We have lots of slow operating systems to choose from, Lubuntu needs to be fast if it is to succeed!
Dear Mario and the Lubuntu team:
Lubuntu 10.10 works so well and is so much faster than Ubuntu on our older hardware that we have switched most of our network over to Lubuntu! I just have one request for future versions: I know you will be under pressure to add more and more features and this will make it bloated and slow. We already have lots of bloated operating systems to choose from, if Lubuntu is to succeed it has to stay light and fast, so please don’t lose sight of that goal!
Just received a very anciet desktop pc from a friend who wanted to throw it out. It originally came with Windows 98 installed, they tried to install Windows XP Professional on it and obviously mucked it up. Seeing an opportunity to be clever (and brag even more about Linux) I offered to take the computer off their hands. Got the computer home, downloaded & installed Lubuntu. After an hour of installing, updating, running my household too the computer was connected to the wireless mouse, wireless internet via a dongle and running smoothly.
I now have a computer in my kitchen that gets used for my recipe collection – guess who has now got to do 2 more old computers this weekend? Yip, me!!!
Thank you and keep up the great work
Your variant of Ubuntu gave second life of my PC.
I’m going to install lubuntu on my old desktop computer. What version is running faster? 10.04 oder 10.10?
By the way, i found only torrent files. Do you need a mirror? Perhaps I could host one mirror for you. Would be a pleasure 😉
I had an old Gateway desktop from 1998. While I was not too concerned with using it for anything specific, it did have a bunch of old sound files on the second hard drive that were simply irreplaceable. The Windows XP that was on it became completely unusable and I was searching high and low for a Linux variant that would allow to access these files. I was using Puppy at first, but the inability to do a static install with it irritated me. There had to be something that would allow me to use the computer for basic stuff and allow me to listen to these old sound files. I finally came across Lubuntu. The initial install was kind of slow, although; that was to be expected with a computer as ancient as this. However, after installation, the computer ran as if it were brand new and I had access to all my files on the second hard drive. Aqualung worked like a charm and now I have a machine that at least serves as a jukebox/web browser. Thank you, creators of Lubuntu.
Is this Lubuntu just a developer project? There is not a single word anywhere about how to install this to a computer. I have now spent 2 days trying get somethig done. All i got is a prompt on a screen “grub>.” What is it? Just some kind of ram loader? What’s the point making a CD (after finding out what is an .iso file?) when the loader still then downloads obviously the same image second time via torrent? What is “live system?” Is the os supposed to boot from CD? Why does it “create” disk partitions if there is no disk, just ram image?
Nice pictures you have there. Much better looking than my “grub.”
i installed lubuntu on my old Pentium 3, and after the boot i have the message of kernel panic.
do you have any idea how to get it fixed ?
thank you