lubuntu lucid final test release

Julien Lavergne generated a final iso lubuntu testing release before announcing the public release.The download is available here: release fixed a problem with installed languages, and includes some bug fixes for pcmanfm/libfm. Please test it and report any blocker you are encountering that would stop this release to become the lubuntu 10.04 release. This iso should be the last one if no other problems are found.
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Ubuntu Google Summer of Code: Propose lubuntu projects

The Ubuntu community is a mentoring organization at Google Summer of Code. Besides opportunities participating at LXDE or Debian during GSoC, students also have the chance to propose projects for developement of lubuntu at the Ubuntu GSoC program.GSoC page: for applications is: [email protected] The corresponding mailing list ist: list:
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Lubuntu Lucid Alpha 3 “Preview 3”

Julien Lavergne has released the next Alpha 3 of lubuntu.The Lubuntu Lucid Alpha 3 is now available. It is build with Ubuntu Lucid (10.04) which is still in Alpha state of development, so same warnings: "Pre-releases of Lucid are *not* encouraged for anyone needing a stable system or anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even frequent breakage.  They are, however, recommended for Ubuntu developers and those who want to help in testing, reporting, and fixing bugs." We passed Feature Freeze, that mean most of the features should now be available. It's now time for testing and fixing bugs.New features since Alpha 2 :* Main changes in the seed : - chromium for the browser - gnome-mplayer for the videos - network-manager for the network* pcmanfm2, the rewrite of the file-manager, is now used by default.* New artwork made by…
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